Lobster Pilates Logo

Lobster Pilates

A space for boosting your physical and mental wellbeing



Friendly face-to-face and online group classes, ranging from complete newbie to high intensity advanced sessions.

Currently our groups meet on Monday evenings online and then face to face in Stoke Row on Tuesday mornings, Thursday mornings and Thursday evenings.

One to One

Private sessions designed specifically for your body and goals.

These can be really effective for injury rehab, building your confidence and/or simply wanting to go at your own pace. Sessions can be at my home or yours at a frequency that works for you.

On Demand

Variety of videos ranging from short 15 minute blasts to full body workouts. Access is available for all Lobster Pilates members to help maintain and improve your fitness in-between our sessions.

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Our Classes

  • Monday
    Time Class Teacher Info
    7-7.50pm Online Sports Pilates Sophie Find out more
  • Tuesday
    Time Class Teacher Info
    9.15-10.15am Pilates for All Sophie Find out more
    10.30-11.30am Advanced Pilates Sophie Find out more
  • Thursday
    Time Class Teacher Info
    9.15-10.15am Pilates for All Sophie Find out more
    6-7pm Pilates for All Sophie Find out more
    7.15-8.15pm Sports Pilates Sophie Find out more